Thursday, March 1, 2012


We all enjoy sleep.

Some folks enjoy it more than others though. It is fair to say that most people require more sleep than I do. Sleep is okay, I guess. I mean, I need my rest. I lay my head on a pillow (or six) every night. Having said that, I will say that some of y'all sleep WAY too much.

Just this week, I have been turned down for pre-work coffee at a coffee shop by two co-workers because they wanted to sleep in. I have been ditched for a late-night-out because the people I was with were "too tired." I feel like every time I turn around, I hear "NO". And when I question it, the answer is always, "Because I'm too tired."

What is so tiring? Why is everyone around me exhausted?

I want to scream, "There is LIFE out here! Come on out, join me!"

There are an elite few people, an estimated 1-3% of the population, that are known as "short sleepers." I have to find these folks and hang out with them.


Famous personalities cited to be short sleeping are T. Jefferson, Da Vinci, B. Franklin. Presently, several of those short sleeping are usually gravitating towards being bloggers, videogames designers, software developers & into social media wherein their sleep behaviours are ideally suited.

Isn't that interesting?

I understand from several articles that I am more than likely classifying myself as a short sleeper when I am not one indeed. However, it is much more fun to think that I have a hDEC2 gene variation, which makes me require less sleep than my peers.

((((Yawn...))) Well, it is time for me to go to sleep. It is 10:27 p.m., so it is way past my bedtime. I'll finish this blog post, including how my ramblings about sleep relate to fostering dogs, on the next go-round...

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